elementary school program

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elementary schools across west tennessee partner with us to accomplish 2 very important things:

  1. Educate young students about blood and the importance of blood donations.

  2. Allow students to participate in a lifesaving community service project.

The elementary program starts with LIFELINE staff visiting your school to give a brief 10 minute presentations to your students. These presentations are handled differently based on the preference of the school. Presentations can be given to each classroom, in combined class settings or even an entire grade at a time. Smaller settings are probably preferable so that students can better see the material being presented.

During the presentation, the students will learn about the different things that blood does in the human body. They will also learn about different blood cells and blood types. The concept of blood donation will be introduced, and they will be invited to ask adults to donate blood. The students will receive a coloring book to take home with them along with a parent letter explaining the program.

About a week following the presentations, a blood drive is held at your school. There is a competition between classes, and the class that has the most people to present at the blood drive will receive a pizza party. There is also an award to the top student who recruits the most donors (Minimum of 5 for the award). This student wins a Wal-Mart gift card.

This is a great way for students to learn about blood, and also to learn to help others.

We look forward to working to make this a wonderful experience for your students.