help us save lives

By hosting a blood drive, you help insure patients have blood when they need it. LIFELINE has over 700 blood drives a year in order to meet the 500+ donations required to meet the needs of the communities we serve.

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why host a blood drive?

  • Support your community by providing donation opportunities.

  • Schools, organizations, businesses, and places of worship will gain the public goodwill by hosting a blood drive as well as energize members, students, and employees.

  • Organizers learn about civic responsibility and project management skills as a result of organizing and coordinating a blood drive.

  • Sponsors help maintain a safe and stable blood supply. Patients needing life-saving blood products are thankful for your efforts.

  • Blood drive sponsors experience a rewarding event that provides leadership opportunities, brings organizations together, and promotes a lifesaving cause.


Find your donor recruiter

Our Donor Recruiters cover 19 counties in West Tennessee. Find the Donor Recruiter responsible for your county to start planning a blood drive in your community.

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Blood drive details

Interested in hosting a blood drive? We are dedicated to helping you have a successful drive. Find materials to help plan your drive here.


sponsor a blood drive

Want to have a blood drive, but don’t have the ability to host? Sponsor a week at the Center.


Host a blood drive at your school, work, or in your community.