Types of Blood Donations


whole blood

Whole blood donation is what most people are familiar with. This is the traditional way of donating, and allows us to draw a pint of blood containing red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma at one time. Whole blood donations expire after 42 days.

Donation time:

Only 5 to 20 minutes

Total Process TIme:

30 to 45 minutes

donation frequency:

Every 8 weeks

Donate right for your type:

O -, O+, A-, B-



Platelets are the type of blood cell that allow our bodies to form clots. They essentially help people control their bleeding. Patients across West Tennessee, especially burn victims, organ transplant recipients, accident victims, and people undergoing cancer treatment, rely on platelet donations for recovery.

Platelet donations expire after 5 days. This means we rely on frequent, regular platelet donors, just like many patients rely on frequent, regular platelet transfusions.

Note: Donors who have had aspirin or aspirin containing products within 36 hours are not acceptable for platelet donation.

donation time:

60 to 90 minutes

donation frequency:

Up to 24 times a year

total process time:

1.5 to 2 hours

Donate right for your type:

O+, A+, B+, AB+, AB-



For many with rare diseases, plasma protein is the only therapy available to treat chronic conditions.

donation time:

45 to 60 minutes

Donation frequency:

Every 28 days

Total Process Time:

1 to 1.5 hours

Donate right for your type:

A+, AB+, AB-

If you have questions about donating blood or anything pertaining to the donation process, please contact us at 800-924-6572.